I chose these nutrients because of the growth plan I made. I was researching a lot and I should have made a nute plan before I started but I was very reckless and just went with the flow... I chose Sensi Grow because they are ph perfect nutes and you don't have to worry about ph anymore because it is set by itself. This is my growth plan with values of how many mL per 1L of water:
As you can see for the vegetive stage it's very simple just Sensi grow and B-52 a little voodoo juice for the roots in the first two weeks but I didn't have it yet... For the Flowering plan I chose expert level because I already had Bud Candy and Flawless Finish isn't too expensive. All I gotta buy now is some Voodoo Juice and Piranha which are quite expensive but not too bad, Sensi bloom A&B and Flawless finish and I'm ready to flower my girl.
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