
A big thanks to everyone from this channel for giving me advice through this process! Go subscribe now!

June 6, 2020

Week 3 of Flowering

It's been 3 weeks since I flipped her to flower and she's just thriving! leaves are getting frosty and buds are starting to form! She looks amazing this is one of the colas here:

Also she stretched A LOT she's damn huge 

May 24, 2020

Bloom phase

Alright I have a couple updates. The first one is a new light made for growing not just a regular smart light bulb. This should boost the growth of the plant a lot. So I installed it right away and flipped the plant to 12/12 schedule for her to bloom (that was a week ago).

The second one is even better! Since this was just a bagseed it wasn't feminized and the plant wasn't showing any signs of gender since she was on a tight schedule 18/6 and was purely in the vegetive stage. Now that I flipped her to bloom she showed her gender and it definitely is a girl! it made me so happy! here are two photos of pistols and white hairs growing out which means the plant is a female and will produce buds!

May 9, 2020

Growth Update

So it's been two weeks since I last made a post. Nothing much was to post but this is her today:

She's starting to get bushy and the little branches are getting stronger and taller. I think it will take her a few more weeks and then I can flip her to flower!

April 26, 2020

Thank you!

So, first of all, thank you so much for 10 thousand views and nice comments! I appreciate it a lot and I hope I inspired some people showing you my journey. Alright now to my plant; she's growing very fast, look at her!

The new small branches inside are getting crowded so I defoliated her a little bit and did some LST on the inside of the plant this is how it looks:

April 20, 2020

Happy 4/20

I hope you all have a great 4/20 and celebrate the proper way! As you can see I moved my girl to another space. not so wide but just right. I'm gonna talk about why I did that in the near future.
Puff, Puff, don't pass, it's pandemic time!

April 19, 2020

Day 45 from seed

A little update on how my girl is doing. she’s very healthy and growing fast. 

April 15, 2020

Nutrition plan

Today I got in mail some more nutes for my girl, all of them were from Advanced Nutritions. I already had B-52, CalMag and bud candy which are all substitutes, I got some base nutrients Sensi Grow A&B for coco and some more sub nutes Big Bud and Overdrive.

I chose these nutrients because of the growth plan I made. I was researching a lot and I should have made a nute plan before I started but I was very reckless and just went with the flow... I chose Sensi Grow because they are ph perfect nutes and you don't have to worry about ph anymore because it is set by itself. This is my growth plan with values of how many mL per 1L of water:

As you can see for the vegetive stage it's very simple just Sensi grow and B-52 a little voodoo juice for the roots in the first two weeks but I didn't have it yet... For the Flowering plan I chose expert level because I already had Bud Candy and Flawless Finish isn't too expensive. All I gotta buy now is some Voodoo Juice and Piranha which are quite expensive but not too bad, Sensi bloom A&B and Flawless finish and I'm ready to flower my girl.

April 14, 2020


Let's start with my first defoliation. Nothing major, I just removed 4 leaves to allow the smaller leaves to grow and turn into colas (where buds form) eventually. And I got CalMag which cured the Mg deficiency pretty fast. This is before and after defoliation:

By doing that the smaller leaves got more light and started growing this is 24 hours later:

This is her today, looking very healthy and she's starting to turn into a real beautiful bush.

April 9, 2020

Daily update:

She's growing very nice leaves are starting to spread and she's getting bushy. By the yellow tips on some new leaves, I noticed she has an Mg deficiency and I'll be getting some nutrients for that ASAP. Otherwise, she looks fantastic!

April 8, 2020

LST update

So today I changed how I had my plant tied for LST. since zipties are plastic and sharp they could hurt the plant and I only bent them so they weren't holding it down in place perfectly. So I got some rubber string specifically for plants and tied it around some chopsticks (some needed more to hold in place) and the plant. I pushed the sticks in the coco away from the plant so I don't damage her established roots. I tied down the bottom branches as well for a nice symmetric plant and leaves exposed to the light.

April 7, 2020


Today I started LST which stands fro low-stress training and it means bending the plant in the way you want it to grow. High-stress training is topping as you saw me do it and it means that a flower will develop 2 main stems instead of one but can hurt the plant and it can take a few days to recover. I just took 2 big zipties and bent them a little so they can keep the branches that I wanted lower to the ground, exposing the other bottom branches to more light.

April 6, 2020

More light

Today I made a simple pentagon shape out of cardboard and taped some aluminum foil to it to reflect the light. This way the bottom leaves could get light as well and in theory, the whole plant should grow faster. I decided to do that first because most of the grow tents have reflective insides and second because I was bored in quarantine.

She's looking very healthy and strong and since it's a bagseed I'm very happy she made it this far.

April 4, 2020


Just a quick update: Nutrients are very efficient as you can see from the photos bellow leaves are getting greener, which means the nutrients had enough nitrogen to start curing the plant.

April 3, 2020

Adding perlite

This is the third post I'm writing today... I was kind of backtracking all of this and now we're on what happened today. So I got the second package with all the supplies I needed. First I removed some coco soil around the plant and mixed in some perlite (which gives roots air to breathe) that I didn't have the day I transplanted her. I didn't need to add much of it because coco itself is airy and I had a fabric pot as well.

I also received "lemon kick" which is a ph regulator and some ph testing papers which are only a temporary solution until I get a ph pen. So I made 5L of water at 5.4ish ph and added 10ml of B-52 and watered my plant with a portion of it. 

The excess water dripped through the pot and I measured the ph of that as well. It was around 6.4ish. I'm not completely sure because you can't be that precise with these papers but I'll get a pen ASAP. And this is all to this date now I will update the blog as I go through the process. Maybe daily or once per 2-3 days.


This is now 5 days later than the previous post (it's April 1st). She's growing very fast. You can see a little nitrogen deficiency which caused some yellowing in the bottom set of leaves...

I should have transplanted her before topping but because of COVID-19, all the stores were closed and I had to order supplies online. I received some of the supplies today. The other supplies are on the way in another package. I decided to transplant her anyway because I had no idea when will I get the next package. As you can see from the photos below it was really urgent to transplant because her roots have reached the bottom of the cup and started growing very condensed. I transplanted her in coco soil in a 25L fabric pot.

I think she will be very happy in her new pot.


So this photo is 5 days after the previous post. I changed the light from 2700K to 6500K as recommended for the vegetive stage. She started growing so fast! I'm so excited, look at her:

 I had to wait a few more days before I can top it. By topping it I would trick the plant to grow 4 "main" stems and potentially have more yield. And after 4 more days, she's ready for topping. I tried cutting off the top leaves above the main two sets of leaves but I couldn't reach them with my scissors so I pinched them off.

She was a little droopy the next couple of days but the smaller leaves that were next to where I pinched off were growing so it worked, but the plant was still in shock from it and was recovering from it slowly.

March 31, 2020


Fast forward 16 days and I only have 1 plant left... 2 of the 8 plants were growing good and fast others were slow, the leaves died or the whole plant just gave up on growing. One of the plants went to my friend and this is the plant that stayed at my place:

I had to give her some support because she was leaning sideways like most plants. I was surprised by how slowly they were growing... I asked my wife what she thinks and she told me she's way to dry to grow and that they need a lot of water. All the videos I watched said "water when they dry out and not too much you can drown them" after a few hours of research I found out that the proper way to water them is to let some of the water drip out the holes in the bottom so I made 3 holes in the cup and started watering her like that and every 2-3 days. This was her progress in 36 hours:

March 21, 2020

Hello world

When I woke up the next day all of the seedlings were looking out of the soil and I was really happy to see them grow so much.

Then I went to work and came back home about 11 hours later and I went to look at the plants right away and boom all plants were standing up straight and first leaves were growing.

At this point, I was very happy and excited to see them grow so fast and I was getting the idea that they're going to grow really fast.

March 20, 2020

The beginning

Before I planted the seeds I watched a lot of youtube videos because I wanted to know a lot about growing weed before starting. When I thought I knew enough I got some seeds from my friend and put them in water for 24 hours. I don't know which strain the seeds are but it doesn't really matter because I'm just learning the process and how to take care of the plants the proper way. After 24 hours in the water, I put the 8 seeds on a paper towel to start sprouting. after 3 days (on 28th of Feb.) the sprouts were big enough (about one inch long) for planting. I put the seedlings in the soil with sprouts down and cover them with a thin layer of soil. I put all 8 cups in my closet under a 105W LED light and put some towels to cover the light coming out of the closet. The next morning 5 out of the 8 seeds have grown and busted through the soil. I was pretty amazed and happy how quickly that happened.